Friday, May 26, 2006

Received the iJoy 100 Massage Chair

Well I received a notice in 3 days that the chair shipped. The 1 week later I got it from UPS. Was a little worried that I had to take time off in order to sign for the chair. Wrote a note and they left the chair on the front stoop. Woot!

The chair was pretty easy to put together although taking it out of the box was a total pain.

The first test was heaven. Pure heaven. Rolling kneading action on a tired back.....ah!! I will enter more info later.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

First Post Test

Well this will be first test of blogging and I will be using it on talking about my experience with purchasing and using an iJoy massage chair.

For any expectant father, you have probably experienced hearing the pains of pregnancy from your wife/girlfriend/significant other/whatever you want to call the person screaming at you and blaming you for her pain...... ;)

To reduce the evil eye and finger pointing, I have decided to purchase a massage chair. After reading several reviews online, I've settled on the relatively cheap iJoy 100 model. Also my wife has tried an iJoy chair at one of the gadget places and liked the experience. When I say relatively cheap, I'm comparing it against other massage chairs. $599 isn't throw away cash for anyone except for fools so I'm hoping that I'm not acting the fool when I purchase this chair.